Initial Session
During the initial telephone interview, an effort will be made to determine the suitability of the Berkeley Therapy Institute to your needs. Occasionally, during or after the initial session it becomes apparent that we are not able to provide the treatment you require. If that is the case, we will refer you to other providers.

No information about you will be discussed with anyone outside of the Berkeley Therapy Institute staff or your referring professional without your written permission.
However, California state law requires exceptions to this rule in the following situations: (a) child abuse or neglect; (b) elder abuse; (c) a threat to the life of another person. Confidentiality may also be broken if you are in imminent danger of harming yourself or if you are gravely disabled (i.e., unable to provide food, clothing or shelter for yourself).
Read our Notice of Privacy Practices for more detail regarding how medical information about you may be used and disclosed.
Fees & Payment
Because we are a non-profit community clinic, fees for services at BTI may be based on a share of cost. This scale is linked to financial need. Payment is expected at the time of service and may be made with a credit card. If you have insurance that covers outpatient psychotherapy, we can, at your request, file a claim with your carrier. Some insurance plans require that sessions be authorized in advance. Please familiarize yourself with the rules of your plan. Your therapist can see you even if a visit is not authorized, but you will be responsible for full payment for that visit. For more information about which insurance plans we accept and fees, please go to our New Patients screen.
Cancellations & Missed Appointments
Since the scheduling of an appointment involves the reservation of time specifically for you, advance notice of 48 hours is required for cancellation of an appointment. You may be charged up to the full fee for sessions missed without such notification.
For questions about policies regarding other areas, please contact us at (510) 841-8484 x 0.